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Our Mission is

to recognize



The vision for the Wall of Honor is to create a public exhibit to remember and celebrate the service members of the Piedmont community.

Hearing the Call

Terisa, the mother of a Piedmont High School graduate who serves in the U.S. Marine Corps, discovered that the community lacked a way to publicly recognize the service and sacrifice of all those who choose to serve our country. Through the Blue Star mothers, Terisa met Katie, also a mother of a Marine, and they worked together to found the Wall of Honor.

Uncovering the Past
Uncovering the Past

Katie and Terisa reached out to the Piedmont Historical Society and the City of Piedmont to identify other service members in the community. Jeff Robinson, a 1963 PHS graduate and Vietnam War Veteran contributed several hundred names he has recorded.

In addition, an old wooden sign that had been stored for decades under the Oakland Avenue bridge was discovered, dusted off, and photographed. The names of nearly 1,000 Piedmonters who served in World War II were recorded and cross-referenced with original high school yearbooks dating back to WWI.

Building a Collection

The 1,000 names grew as the founding members began to promote the Wall of Honor project to community members, families and friends. As the list expanded, Katie and Teresa started the Wall of Honor Committee.

Setting the Vision

The Wall of Honor Committee established a vision for a public exhibit to recognize local service members and share their stories at the Piedmont High School Ambassador Christopher Stevens Memorial Library.


The design for the Wall of Honor was unveiled with local service members and the families of those who served.












School Board


Members &

The wall of honor would not be possible without
a group of dedicated committee members
and advisors.

Katie Korotzer, Community Member, Founder & Co-Chair
Terisa Whitted, Community Member, Founder & Co-Chair


Lisa Argue, City of Piedmont
Betsy & Bill Barnes, Community Members
Alison Bly, PHS College & Career Counselor
Randy Booker, PUSD Superintendent
Janet Brown, Piedmont DAR
Courtney Goen, PHS Teacher
Mary Kelly, Community Member
Kathryn Levenson, PHS Librarian
Gail Lombardi, Piedmont Alumni & Piedmont Historical Society
Nick Lynn, Piedmont Student
Corey McCarthy, Community Member
Sue McPhee, Piedmont Alumni & Community Member
Jeff Robinson, Piedmont Alumni & Vietnam War Veteran
Amal Smith, Community & School Board Member
Tom Stevens & Dana Lung, Community Members
Susan Stutzman, Community Member, Librarian
Andrea Sweson, Community & School Board Member
John Tulloch, City of Piedmont
Cal Walters, Community Member
Blair Whitted, Piedmont Student (Alumni)
Kathleen Winters, Community Member
Elizabeth Winters, Piedmont Student
Mitch Winters, Piedmont Student (Alumni)
Cora Wood, Community Member
Madeline Wood, Piedmont Student (Alumni)